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Writer's pictureMelly Powell

Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia | Cozy Cove Studio Stay

Updated: May 29, 2022

We travelled to the popular east coast destination Peggy's Cove. Our unique airbnb was a colourful cottage apartment that overlooked big rocks and a small fishing community. A tiny house by the sea in a small town that welcomes all with open arms.

Laying wide awake at 5am, the room is bright but my blankets too cozy to abandon just yet. Large planks of wood cover the floor beneath me and a soft light fills the room from the restaurant across the street. Our airbnb is on the top floor of a blue cottage that sits on the point of Peggy's cove. In the stillness of this morning, there are no people outside the windows, no one climbing the big rocks and making their way to the lighthouse. Just the waves crashing into the shoreline and knocking the fishing boats about.

As I laid in the quiet room, I heard a soft tic, tic, tic of the battery operated clock that hung on the wall. I was immediately flooded with the nostalgia of sleepovers at my grandmothers house when I was a child. The quietness of the house, and the ticking of the clock. It was as though I had sunk back in time to a place where life was much simpler and filled with overwhelming comfort. As I listened to the clock tick, both my children laid fast asleep on a pullout couch that sunk slightly in the middle, as all good pull out couches do. I asked myself if taking them on this trip was also creating a space that reflects a simpler time. Less worries of conformity, good grades, or endless to-do's. Was I giving them the same comfort that my grandmother's house gave me? Both parents in the a-joining room in this cozy attic apartment where we were together and not confined to the schedules and regular rotations of school, work, chores, repeat. Had we developed a new rotation for ourselves? Or maybe we were still trying to find our way after just thirty days on the road. All I knew, is that in this quiet time before sun had even made its way up and over the ocean, before the town started moving, before the day set its course, everything felt in it's place. A peacefulness that was thick like the fog that blew in from the sea. It swallowed me up and gave me rest. I just laid listening to the ticking of the clock, a symbol of good memories both then and now.

Cove Culture Blue waters and large speckled rocks frame the coastline, with small green trees sprouting up wherever they can plant roots. We were there off-season, and the wind had a chill that hit hard and cold. We were surprised that even during this time, buses and people were drawn to the lighthouse and braved the cooler weather to witness this special place.

The fishing boats made their way out with the sunrise, and clouds blew in low and hover there before they would make there way out to sea. Most of the cute little restaurants were closed during our stay due to the time of year, but SouWester across the street, which sat directly in front of the lighthouse, was open and busy! Our first meal was a delicious fish and chips, and it did not disappoint. The restaurant also had a charming little gift and souvenir shop filled with all things Peggy's Cove.

Just staring out the windows from our little place on the corner of the cove was entertainment enough for us, but we did venture out and made our way to the lighthouse, as well as a nearby hiking trail that led to some spectacular views. The hike was called Polly Cove Trail, and we only spotted it from the road as we were driving by! It was easy, not too many hills and the unique landscape made it engaging to take in. We found ourselves at an old abandoned building foundation that was left for nature to take over. While exploring this unique sight we met a man and his dog. We immediately started chatting about where we were from, and where we were headed. He had immigrated here from France twenty years ago and lived with his dog just down the road. We shared about our trip and he gave us some insight into some must see places he had experienced himself over the years. His dog’s name was Nikku, which he told us meant - ray of sun. That is exactly what Terry and his dog were up top of the lookout that day. A ray of sun, full of friendly conversation and insights. He even took a family photo for us. He sent us on our way with some encouragement about our travels. One of many friendly and meaningful interactions from our time in Peggy's Cove.

There are some places that have left an impression on us more than others. I am not even sure I can put it into words, as it's more of a feeling. Peggy's Cove left us with nostalgia of cherished times. It didn't try too hard, or over promise - it just was, and that was enough. If you have Peggy's Cove on your travel list, be sure to check out the Cozy Cove Studio. Its charm and location, will not disappoint.

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